Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Connect With Breath

Have you taken your breath for granted?

Stop. Listen. Notice the mindless movement, constant movement. Conscious or unconscious, it's there. It's your friend more than you know it and never once does it get a thank you. Never once is it considered, until we lose it. Not until we get a heavy chest cold, not until we try to run harder than normal or at all, not until it's our last one. Take notice and celebrate! Connect with your breath, start a relationship, stronger than ever developed from when you took your first one.

It can take only a few minutes. Lets try and sit and drown out the exterior noises with the one noise that is as rhythmic as the heart beat. Observe every detail. How long it is. The temperature. It's flow. The places it touches you. How it feels on the edge of your lips. Let it flow naturally, don't force it. Listen. Your breath has been communicating with you all this time, even if you have not.

Connect with your breath.


1 comment:

  1. I like this post - great picture too. Connecting with my breathing is a wonderful thing, it's so relaxing just taking notice of it. Thanks! (To you as well as my breath!) ;)


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