Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not Allowing the Negative

Create your own bubble of positivity.

Have you noticed that you feel more stress, angst, threat, paranoia, uncertainty, spite, negative, worry, anger, or insecurity? Good, recognition is the first step in reflection. But what do you do when you recognize experiencing any of these feelings? Combat it with positivity.

It's too easy to get boggled down in the every day wear and tear on our spirit and motivations. It's easier to start taking the negatives down piece by piece and replacing it with something positive. Once you create a positive bubble, you have to maintain the atmosphere. It's a difficult task to maintain that layer of ozone from the barrage of things that bring you down. If you really do not like any given thing you do through any given day, then change it!

First step is recognize the negativity within yourself and in others. This part is tough since most people go along in their distracted lives without ever reflecting. Reflect on who you are, how others see you, how others behave with you, your motivations, your faults. Once you realize that there is still so much to learn in this life and accept that you are a work in progress, this step should be easy. Give yourself little goals to motivate you to work in how you want to live your life. With your motivation and bubble of positivity there is nothing that can stop you from whatever realistic goal you set out for yourself.

Key word: realistic.

Once you have those things in place, you now just need to maintain what negative triggers you allow into your bubble. There are people who are bursting with negativity, waiting to infect you. Only thing is, you will be armed with the polar opposite energy. If fact, when you have a strong bubble of positivity, you may actually be able to infect those lost in their own negative abyss. Bring others to the light, that's what this blog is trying to do.

Then the only thing you really need to do is decide to create this bubble of positivity. Everything else will fall into place there after. If you place a goal to have an overall positive affect on every single living thing you come across, those feelings of stress, angst, threat, paranoia, uncertainty, spite, negative, worry, anger, or insecurity won't be anything you can't simply address and act upon to get the most positive outcome.

You don't have to believe in this old saying: Do not do unto others what you would not want them do unto you. Experiment, see how others react if you only engage with positivity.

Apparently, it's a proven fact that when you smile you put yourself into a better mood.



  1. I like the sound of the bubble of positivity - I have always simply clung to my positive lilypad in that sea of negativity.

    I like the goal setting but being 'realistic' is my downfall.

    Nice inspirational words. I particularly like the last line, because a smile always helps the world go round.

  2. Love it! Thanks so much for my first comment. I love the lily pad idea, but let's see that sea of positivity instead, right?
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